Tamil Nadu ex-cricketer allegedly commits suicide due to loans
The media reported that a Tamil Nadu ex-cricketer Chandrasekhar allegedly committed suicide due to loans taken for business
This highlights the risk of taking loans, that it is often difficult to predict business conditions a few months or years later
The income of a business can decrease quickly and the business owner does not have funds to repay the loans
So it is better to remain conservative and manage the business with the funds available, india does not reward risk takers and innovators .
CCD founder VG Siddhartha allegedly commits suicide due to company debts, loans
While banks are always offering personal and other loans, repaying these loans is a major problem
Compared to 15 years ago, the harassment of government employees has greatly increased especially in the indian internet sector
It is increasingly difficult for business owners to have any kind of control over their business growth
Often if the loans are not paid, the business owner is hounded by the bank or other lenders
The tragic death of the CCD founder VG Siddhartha, allegedly due to suicide related to company debts, loans again highlighted the risk of taking loans
When the business owner has no hope for growth, they will not take loans
Business conditions, especially in goa, are so hostile, that it is almost impossible to find hardworking skilled and honest people
The government is openly encouraging, rewarding LAZY LIARS UNSKILLED FRAUDS openly involved in BANKING, REAL ESTATE FRAUD with raw/cbi salaries for their fraud, while criminally defaming, humiliating, cheating and exploiting hardworking honest skilled citizens, especially small business owners
When business conditions are so hostile, the business owner cannot hope to find any staff who they can trust, they do not even plan to hire anyone or plan for business growth
Since there is no scope for business expansion due to atrocities and fraud of government employees, especially intelligence and security agencies, business owners will not take loans
Bank hit by gold loan fraud of more than Rs 70 lakh according to more media reports
One of the problems living in goa, is how government employees are considered respectable and honest, though they may cheat and are liars, while, private citizens are considered not respectable, cheaters, without any proof at all.The google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud raw/cbi employees housewife riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina, asmita patel are some of the extremely powerful fraud liar government employees
The latest fraud reported in the goan newspapers, the gold loan fraud of more than Rs 70 lakh, wherein customers pledged gold with bank of india, to get loans, and then did not repay the gold loans. When the bank tried to auction off the gold, the bank was told that the jewelry was not gold.
According to newspaper reports, the bank had relied on their trusted valuer, one mr lotlikar, who certified the value of the jewelry, falsely claiming that it was gold.
Multiple branches of the bank have been affected by the gold loan fraud, for loans taken between 2017 and 2018. The media reported that many of those involved in the fraud are respectable members of society, including government employees, so the bank is very surprised.
This also exposes the misplaced priorities of the intelligence and security agencies in goa, they are hounding harmless private citizens, with almost no income for more than 9 years, without any proof, monitoring all their activities, while gold loan fraudsters looting banks are allowed to do whatever they wish, though they are cheating banks
Due to R&AW,cbi, NTRO, security agency banking fraud, MSMEs in India not taking loans
Officially cbi is supposed to investigate and end corruption in India, however bribed by google, tata , NTRO, R&AW, cbi, security agencies are involved in the greatest BANKING FRAUD on small business owners in India since 2010, employing google, tata supplied goan call girls, cheater housewives, document robbers, school dropouts and other lazy greedy mediocre well connected frauds and falsely claiming that they own the bank account of small business owners to dupe a large number of companies, countries and people wasting indian taxpayer money in the process.
These fraud indian governmment agencies are also wasting wasting indian taxpayer money paying salaries to their google, tata sponsored lazy fraud employees whose only achievement in life is seducing or bribing powerful fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, patel,vijay, parekh to abuse their powers, and make fake claims that these lazy fraud women are online experts, domain investors, when it can be legally proved that these fraud raw/cbi employees have never invested any money in domains, and are least interested in doing so.
Making fake claims about the ownership of a BANK account of a private citizen, is a fraud, yet the LIAR NTRO, R&AW, cbi, security agency employees freelancing for google, tata are extremely vicious in abusing their powers, wasting indian taxpayer money to dupe a large number of people, companies and countries with their fake claims. The real domain investor is also wasting her time, warning people about the banking fraud of the indian and state government, since the top officials and leaders refuse to end their lies.
So many MSME owners are wasting their time fighting government fraud, and do not have the time to grow their business, take loans
Fraud liar ntro employees should be aware of the fact that the US government forgives the loans of low income students
In the united states, the government gives students loans and these loans are forgiven if the students joins the government or his income is low after a certain number of years ,
The United states government and system has the humanity to realize that if the student is unable to make much money because of the flawed society and corporate world, the student cannot be expected to pay back the loan
In India, the cbi, raw, ntro led by the mhow cheater puneet are only stealing the savings of the engineer whose annual income is the lowest in the class only because fraud liar ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, vijay, parmar, j srinivasan have stolen her identity to enjoy lifetime free sex with google, tata supplied goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, get career help from fraud raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak,nayanshree hatwhar, and bribes from other frauds like the indore document robbers, veena, deepika,naina
It is time that the ntro employees stop their fraud of falsely claiming student loan information to justify the theft of the savings, when they are involved in a major financial fraud falsely claiming call girls and cheater raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money online, own the domains of a private citizen
MSMEs with orders stolen by government employees cannot afford PSBloanin59minutes.com loans
The indian government is advertising PSBloanin59minutes.com loans extensively on the GST portal and elsewhere. However some small business owners, like the broke domain investor owning this website are least interested in taking loans, because they are getting almost no orders
This is because the online business owners find that almost all their orders are stolen by well connected government, ntro, raw, cbi employees abusing their powers to run a order theft, lucrative extortion racket
However hard the domain investor tries, despite spending a lot of time and money marketing, there are almost no orders
So why will the domain investor, invest more money in the online business, taking a loan when the well paid raw, cbi, ntro, security agency employees are allowed to steal almost all the orders without a legally valid reason after making fake allegations without any proof at all. She has observed that there are other small businesses in the locality who are also facing the same problem of no orders
When there is no scope for growth in the online business due to corporate espionage, order theft, why should the domain investor, online business owner take loan and increase the expenses, paying interest on the loan.
When will shameless goan bhandari leaders and officials end their banking fraud pampering goan bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan
One of the reasons why few people are taking a loan in goa, is because shameless goan bhandari leaders and officials led by pritesh chodankar are openly involved in a major banking, online, financial and education fraud pampering google, tata supplied lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university
Anywhere in India, only the person who has opened a bank account, can operate it , however as part of the google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi banking fraud since 2010, the shameless liar cheater goan bhandari leaders and officials led by pritesh chodankar are abusing their powers, wasting indian tax payer money, to dupe people, companies and countries that their lazy greedy mediocre fraud relative goan bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, only interested in offering sex services to government employees , owns the paypal and bank account of the google competitor.
No one is doing the google competitor a great favor paying for advertising, her rates are some of the lowest in the world, and investing in domain names is very risky, almost no one will register more than 400 domains as they have to pay a huge amount of money in domain expenses. So the americans are not doing any favor making payment, and the goan bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan has no right to be falsely associated with the google competitor, engineer who commits crimes on , to deny the engineer the income and opportunities she deserved
Can the shameless goan bhandari leaders and officials explain why goan bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan does not open her own Paypal, bank account legally why she is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account, home, of the single woman bhandari engineer she is committing crimes on like criminal trespassing, robbery, stealing the bluestone jewelry and many other items
Top officials in goa continue with their brazen banking fraud
8 years after the google,tata masterminded sex, bribery racket, financial fraud on a google competitor started in 2010, it is clear that the 10 google,tata sponsored prostitute, fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, domain ownership, are least interested in doing any work online, making any money online.
Yet the top goan government employees continue with their great banking and financial fraud of falsely claiming that 10 google,tata sponsored prostitute, fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree own the bank account of the google competitor in one of the greatest financial frauds in the world. Only when the google competitor withdraws cash is the financial fraud of the top officials exposed
When will the goan government employees end their banking, financial fraud and stop making fake claims about the bank account of the google competitor, acknowledge that she alone owns the bank account, instead of defaming her and wasting tax payer money to spread false rumors, bribed by google,tata
With frauds in charge, goa continues to be in debt
Bank loan defaults, losses, NPAs due to poor judgement of extremely powerful officials
Many of the problems faced in India like banking frauds, losses , jobless growth are mainly because the indian government gives great powers to shameless greedy dishonest liar cheater men with zero personal integrity and extremely poor judgement
For example since 2010 , the indian government allowed ntro to waste crores of indian tax payer money to steal the identity of a harmless single woman engineer from a top college, domain investor and google competitor for 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, document robbers and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees .
R&AW/cbi were allowed to 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, document robbers and other fraud women based solely on the fake references of the ntro employees , no idependent verification was carried out
The google competitor was and is world famous as a domain investor and if R&AW/cbi wanted their employee to become famous as a domain investor worldwide so that the identity theft racket would succeed, their employee should also have some experience in domain names, be willing to take the risk of investing in domain names
However 8 years after the google,tata masterminded SEX, bribery racket, financial fraud started in 2010, none of the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives, document robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees are interested in investing any money online, they are also not interested in doing any work online, they have not invested a single paisa in a domain name till date.
So despite wasting crores of rupees annually, ntro has failed in their identity theft racket, and is wasting tax payer money, paying salaries to the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, document robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees, putting the real domain investor under surveillance, so that the identity theft fraud will not be exposed.
When the possibility of the identity theft attempt succeeding was almost zero in the first place, why was ntro allowed to waste crores of rupees annually since 2010 to steal the identity of a harmless private citizen, engineer? Who was the top indian government employee who authorized these atrocities on the harmless innocent engineer since 2010, why is his judgement not being questioned?