Gold loan phone call shows that fake rumors are spread after making online payment
One of biggest online, financial fraudsters in india is indore’s top fraud raw employee housewife deepika/veena is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband mahesh, yet is getting a monthly government salary since 2010, for faking her resume, savings, bank account, domain ownership at the expense of a single woman engineer who legally owns the bank account showing widespread corruption, government financial fraud, slavery in india
Showing how aggressive the madhya pradesh government is in looting citizens from other to make lazy greedy cheater housewives rich, the cheater government is closely monitoring all the activities of the domain investor, and then falsely claiming that its favorite fraud raw employee housewife deepika/veena, who is not making the payment owns the bank account to get indore’s top cheater deepika/veena great powers
In the latest fraud, LIAR SHAMELESS madhya pradesh government allegedly spreading fake rumors that indore’s top fraud raw employee housewife deepika/veena, banking fraudster owns powai bank account of the single woman engineer
The domain investor got a phone call from axis bank for gold loan, when she has almost no gold, indicating that LIAR SHAMELESS madhya pradesh government allegedly spreading fake rumors that indore’s top fraud raw employee housewife deepika/veena, banking fraudster is falsely claiming to own the powai bank account to rob the savings of the single woman engineer.