Finalizing a property deal
While it is convenient to check property sales online depending on the photos, it is more difficult to get quick directions to reach the property, to check the actual condition, if the deal is being negotiated online. In addition to online methods of promoting, selling and renting property, it is also possible to get information about property and real estate deals available by visiting property fairs and trade shows. There are some websites which have a trade expo log online , for property buyers who wish to discuss the deal with the property seller, builder personally and get the matters clarified.
Demonetization to cover bank NPA losses
The indian intelligence agencies are largely responsible for the bank NPA losses, as they openly favor certain business groups, wasting tax payer money and behave as if the increasing the profit of the group is a matter of national interest. Because these intelligence officials, especially CBI was not professional and competent enough to warn the mainly public sector banks about the large business groups, who became wilful defaulters later, though they lead a lavish lifestyle like vijay mallya, the banks were making huge losses.
Now the indian government has to manage the losses of the public sector banks, and demonetization appeared to be the easiest way to make some quick money. The biggest gainers are the public sector banks who have found that their deposits have increased rapidly and can offer a low interest rate to their depositors. After 2009, the intelligence and security agencies were involved in major impersonation/identity theft frauds, especially on professionals, small business owners,stealing their retirement savings without a court order or legally valid reason like the domain investor.
so people lost faith in the banking and financial system, realizing that it was very difficult for an indian citizen to fight the powerful indian intelligence and security agencies who wasted tax payer money to destroy the life, finances and reputation of harmless citizens for personal gain and to increase the profit of specific corporates who bribed these officials. As a result in the last few years, people are realizing that all banking transactions can be closely tracked, so they are preferring to deal in cash which the indian government will find difficult to track.
The government also probably realized this, so to force people to return the money to the bank, they have demonetized indian currency, People will lose faith in the currency for a long time, and the rupee has crashed against the dollar, official rate Rs 68/dollar, actual exchange rate in goa Rs 100 per dollar
Official Open discrimination against ugly women in indian internet sector
The indian internet sector is the worst in the world as top officials will shamelessly abuse their power to defame, cheat and exploit women who are not good looking enough. The shameless cunning fraud tata, google, ntro, cbi officials will compare the house and looks of the domain investor with housewives, sex workers and other frauds while the cunning fraud tata,google, ntro, cbi officials will conveniently forget that their housewife, sex worker and other fraud good looking indian intelligence employees have never made a single penny online and will never do so for the rest of their lives, yet are falsely considered to be online experts by the indian government who is wasting Rs 20000 or more monthly to pay a salary to at least 10 lazy mediocre inexperienced google, tata sponsored frauds.
Why does no one have the honesty or courage to point out this fact to the shameless cunninng section 420 fraud tata, google, cbi, ntro officials who are repeating house, looks to justify their endless atrocities, cheating, exploitation, torture of female indian domain investors as these fraud cowardly cbi, ntro, tata officials do not have the courage or honesty to face the domain investor who they are exploiting